I talked about creating
a post on the anomalies of our educational system. This is going to the beginning
of such posts. Please feel free to share your thoughts and perspectives, like
and share this post to get the message out and round. Let’s get into it.
Technology is a
powerful tool. It is the driving force of human life and advancements and it is
what shapes our world in all ramifications and spheres of life. If the
technology we have today is still virtually controlled only by government,
there can be no snowball chances in hell for things like the digital monies we
now hear of existing like they do at this age. As software develop and internet
inclusiveness emerges more intensely, ideas such as booking and uber
are bound to emerge.
Back in the 1950's,
during the height of the cold wars or ideological warfare between the western bloc
nations or NATO state and the Eastern bloc nations or WARSAW pact, also
referred to as the ideological supremacy race between Capitalism and Communism,
one of the defining aspect of virtual battle scenes was the Race to the moon.
The great leap
forward to this reality left an indelible mark on modern societies and created
series of advancements that made human reliance on technology inevitable and
So the question now
is; what connection, does a smartphone have with a space rocket? The day I
found out, my heart stopped beating for a few couple of seconds, as I held my
breath in utter disbelief and astonishment. And this is why.
In 1956, the Russians
and Americans raced to place man on the moon. To be honest, at this period, the
biggest technology in the world was the Aeroplane. A giant tube of aluminium
mass and fiber glass, glazing through the skies from one location to the
other...so one can hardly imagine the audacities of experimenting on a quest to
put man on a planet, outside man's natural reaches and abilities of that time.

In 1956, the defunct
USSR succeeded in the race to the moon, through the now late Cosmonaut, Yuri
Gagarin, but the Americans, in the early 1960's, placed the first man on the
But the amazing thing
about the whole COMPUTER technology that drove those huge rockets and took man
to the moon is only as half as sophisticated as the computer currently powering
your MOBILE PHONES.... Now that's absolutely bombastic. To think that fifty years ago, the mass of
knowledge that could create our tiny mobile phones was worth billions of
No wonder Robert
Kiyosaki, one of the greatest motivational speakers of this generation and a
great author and writer said, "Nobody with a smartphone in this age
and time, should have anything to do with poverty" (not exact
words, and emphasis mine). How can one imagine individuals of this age of free
information, knowledge and social interactions on a global stage, with the same
unique access to the power that took man outside the earth crust and colonized
the moon and now planet Mars, declare that he or she is broke, poor or lacking
in privilege? That would be a big shame.
Presently, WhatsApp
has over 1.2 billion subscribers meaning that more than 1 billion phones have
the WhatsApp app. But someone will say or ask, what's the big deal, shebi
WhatsApp is free?!...I laugh at such ignorance; yeah
its free at the front end, but don't forget that my good friend and soon to
become business partner…lol, Mark
Zukerberg paid a whooping $19 billion dollars to buy WhatsApp from Jan Koum and
Brian Acton in the year 2013!!!... My
people, that same person that bought a so called free app for the whole budget
of Africa put together and still had change, remains the 5th richest man on
earth today. Think about that! Your child could be next whizkid to develop a multimillion
dollars app.
The truth is that
WhatsApp generates over billions of dollars every day, as over 1.2 billion
subscribers burn billions of megabytes daily as they socialize on the WhatsApp
platform. A sizable chunk of that revenue goes to my friend, Mark –winks.
The equation no longer holds true – the distortion
In the early ages, as
formal education develops and curriculums increased to focus on career
specializations and job role demands, schools were designed to condition our
minds to learn as much as we can, earn a degree, look for a good job and earn
salaries. Decades in and decades out, we keep learning the same stuffs and
doing the same things, while the world changes around us. Formal education is
very good. One cannot wish it away or deny its importance to societal growth
and developments, but to insist that it is the only way and means of making it
in life is a mirage, a big lie and a global deception of magnanimous magnitude.
Let's quickly look at
the pictures below and tell ourselves some hard truths.
Picture (A) is showing a group of men joining forces together
to lift up into a huge truck, A 5MB, not 50MB, but a 5MB memory disc into what
was termed a super computer, during the early race to the space age... Now
maybe someone was thinking I was exaggerating about what I said previously,
about the computing powers that took mankind to the moon in the early 1960's, but
this picture appears to vindicate me. A Nokia 3310 (oh, how I miss that phone) has more than 50mb computing powers,
such that its memory store up to 500 names, it can do call waiting, conference
calls, send text messages and much more, I'm sure someone is shaking their
heads in acceptance, yet, today, we have Smartphones with dynamic computations
that would have almost burst the brains of Albert Einstein; or so is my imagination
running more itself?
Picture (B), shows the magnanimous printing machine of the
19th century. What enormous engineering feat. Can you imagine the ingenuity of
the men that developed this feat of technology? They must have felt like
geniuses and whiz-kids. Under few hours, they can now print books and increase
knowledge. We are thankful to those guys and appreciate their outstanding
But friends, imagine
you are somewhere around Education Mile 1, the headquarters of Printing presses
and jobs in Rivers State or Shomolu-Bariga Lagos state the headquarters of
Printing presses and jobs in Nigeria and after negotiating price, the manager
takes you to their back office factory and you saw this relic, what will be
your reaction? I'm sure you would think you have teleported back to the era of
Charles Darwin's and needed to wake up fast.
Why would that be?
Well, we all see what the German technological brains and machines have
developed in the 21st century. Whole factories are running automatically with
less and few needs of human beings. Artificial Intelligence is coming on boards
and the jobs we go to school to learn about and work in are gradually being
eroded. Technology is changing very fast, but
our textbooks remain largely the same; pity. Students are not being thought
how to think productively to create wealth, but only what to think to obtain
high grades to go work for money. Little wonders most of the Top 50 richest men
in the world, are all college dropouts or even stark illiterates.
These guys didn't
have the time to waste working for money, but they went ahead to create money
and built systems that makes or enable their monies to work for them.
Pictures (C) & (D)
pretty much explains itself. Graham Bells was an electrical genius. He patented
his invention and gave the world the first taste of long distance
communications. I'm sure you know that his family still enjoys a fraction of
this invention that he gave the world. But the phone in Picture (D) far outsmarts anything Mr. Bells could have thought of.
The educational
system is preparing us for the joblessness, which is sure to continue [see some statistics:
Nigeria’s employment crisis worsened in the first quarter of 2016,
with unemployment rate rising to 12.1 per cent from 9.9 percent by September
ending 2015, the National Bureau of Statistics, NBS, said on Friday – May 20th,
2016. Premium Times. NBS, has revealed that
no fewer than 8,663 banks’ employees lost their jobs in the first half of
2017; that an average of 360 workers had been sacked every week from January to
June 2017 –Vanguard, August 22, 2017],
around the globe today. Students are not thought how to create systems that
will make money for them. They are taught to be accountants, lawyers, Doctors,
engineers, teachers and so on, for a monthly fee, earning 12 times in 365 days
and giving 90% of their adult and productive life to build the businesses and
dreams of the school dropouts and so called *never do wells... Well, you have
in my previous posts, seen how business even those professions are going to be drastically
affected by this technology revolution – no one is spared!
[To be continue]
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